i wish i could say we enjoyed beautiful south georgia spring weather and lots of time outside, but the weekend was nothing short of gross/nasty/cold! drew volunteered one of our church's four easter egg hunts saturday morning. they ended up just bagging up the eggs and passing them out to the kids who braved the rain. he said it was a soggy mess!
while drew was playing the easter bunny, i was at the doctor [yet again] with hud. drew took him to the doctor on friday morning and he ended up getting an antibiotic shot and she wanted to recheck his ears saturday morning. good news: they weren't "bulging" anymore, bad news: they still had yellow fluid in them. so, we left with our 3rd different antibiotic. i hope next week's recheck brings clear ears! saturday afternoon we did a lot of this...hud's new favorite activity and one i also enjoyed as a kid!
on sunday, drew headed to church early and hud and got ready for the 9:30 service. we were actually on time! whoop! we attempted some easter pics, but experienced a major fail. taking pictures with a toddler is HARD!
after church, we headed over to bainbridge to have lunch at drew's grandparents house. his aunt & uncle and their kids were in town, along with his parents. we had a great afternoon and i got a nap. double whoop!
i've been super busy at work this week with statewide testing and end of the year IEPs. i'm searching for the summer sunlight at the end of the long tunnel! hud is definitely enjoying the nicer weather we've had this week :)