Wednesday, April 23, 2014

easter recap

so i realize i'm a [few] days late and a dollar [or five] short on this easter recap, but here it is anyway!

i wish i could say we enjoyed beautiful south georgia spring weather and lots of time outside, but the weekend was nothing short of gross/nasty/cold! drew volunteered one of our church's four easter egg hunts saturday morning. they ended up just bagging up the eggs and passing them out to the kids who braved the rain. he said it was a soggy mess!

while drew was playing the easter bunny, i was at the doctor [yet again] with hud. drew took him to the doctor on friday morning and he ended up getting an antibiotic shot and she wanted to recheck his ears saturday morning. good news: they weren't "bulging" anymore, bad news: they still had yellow fluid in them. so, we left with our 3rd different antibiotic. i hope next week's recheck brings clear ears! saturday afternoon we did a lot of this...hud's new favorite activity and one i also enjoyed as a kid!
on sunday, drew headed to church early and hud and got ready for the 9:30 service. we were actually on time! whoop! we attempted some easter pics, but experienced a major fail. taking pictures with a toddler is HARD!

after church, we headed over to bainbridge to have lunch at drew's grandparents house. his aunt & uncle and their kids were in town, along with his parents. we had a great afternoon and i got a nap. double whoop!

i've been super busy at work this week with statewide testing and end of the year IEPs. i'm searching for the summer sunlight at the end of the long tunnel! hud is definitely enjoying the nicer weather we've had this week :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

sleep deprivation

y'all. i'm so tired. most of you who know us know very well that hud has never been a fabulous sleeper. i can count on two hands the number of times he's slept all night in his 21 months of life, but the other night he took it to a whole new level. we had a little easter egg hunt at our house [more on that later] on saturday morning and put hud down for his nap a little later than usual...and he was up in 30 minutes [he usually naps 2-3 hours]. we chalked it up to too many oreos and candy. when 8:00 rolled around he was obviously tired so we didn't think him sleeping would be an issue. and it wasn't until about 10:45. he woke up screaming. i went in and tried to calm him down, sang, patted him on the back, got in his crib with him [judge away], but nothing was working. about 2 hours later i woke up drew and asked him to take over...and 2 hours after that drew woke me up. and our child was STILL awake. by this point [read: 4 am] something had to give. we put our screaming toddler in the car and drove around town.

less than a mile into our trip [i was driving], we hear a "thud" that sounded like something hitting the back of the car. drew immediately asked where my phone was and lo and behold it was MIA. we were on a 4 lane highway with "find my friends" pulled up on drew's phone trying to locate mine. i'm creeping along at 30 mph scouring the ditches looking for a glimmer of hope and drew informs me that my "dot" on find my friends is following his...meaning the phone is in the car! we pull into a gas station [4:30 am at this point/toddler still screaming] and start searching. and there it sat, wedged between the back windshield and the trunk of my car. we had to laugh to keep from crying. hud finally went to sleep and we were back home by 5. here is what the looked like sunday morning.
sidenote: on thursday, he finished a round of antibiotics for an ear infection and i could tell he wasn't feeling much better this weekend. the doctor confirmed today that he has ANOTHER double ear infection. guess that explains the terrible sleeping patterns/general crankiness we've been experiencing.
on saturday, i invited a few friends over who have kids hudson's age to hunt some easter eggs. being right at 2 years old, i knew they were old enough to hunt, but not old enough to hold their own with bigger kids so we had a little backyard hunt. they had so much fun! it's going to be neat to see these kids grow up together. they're all within 4 months age of each other and are a mess! it also helps that i love their parents!

we had a fun little weekend and are gearing up for easter this upcoming weekend...i guess i should find hudson an easter outfit. eek!

sidenote part 2: i'm still holding strong with my no shop 2014 resolution. although it's getting more and more difficult with the warmer weather we've been experiencing!.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

life happenings

I swear time just slips by and before I realize it it's been 2 weeks since I updated the blog! We've had a busy couple of weeks...
  • Last week my great grandmother passed away. She was 99 years old and a wonderful inspiration (and wonderful cook). During Hudson's first trip to my parents house, we were able to take a "5 generations" picture...something I'll always treasure!
  • My mom is on spring break this week, so she and my dad came down last night to spend a few days with us Hudson. It's always fun to have them visit :)
  • I still have a to-do list a mile long (including painting our stupid kitchen table). I'm thinking it will probably be summer before I'm able to accomplish anything on that dreaded list.
  • I've gone a little overboard on the Easter decorations this year. I've never been a big holiday decorator (except Christmas), but something about having a kid makes me want to throw garland and burlap banners all over our house.
  • I seriously can't believe Hudson is 21 months old. I know I say that every month, but it's blowing my mind. I'll do a monthly update soon! I've already started planning his 2nd birthday party and it makes me want to cry.
  • Here are some random pictures just to make this post a little more entertaining :)


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

back on the bandwagon

hi y'all! it looks like i'm falling back into old habits of just reading blogs instead of posting them. oops.

anyway, lots to catch up on. i'll keep it short on words and long on pictures :) our spring break was nothing special. i managed not to complete a single item on my to do list and i'm surprisingly okay with it.

hud and i went to the beach with my mother and law (his gigi) for the day. it was blustery and cold, but h had fun chasing "tweet tweets" and throwing sand.

we celebrated st. patrick's day in style with green waffles for breakfast and green pancakes for supper!

we did some sword fighting and general mayhem ensued.

you can also see we spent almost the entirety of spring break in our jammies. sorry not sorry.
i still have plans to paint our kitchen table and organize some things, but i enjoyed the extra time with my boy!
i managed to do a little easter decorating with some ideas taken from here and there.

hopefully i'll be able to update with some actual projects soon!