Friday, February 28, 2014

five on friday

happy friday! i feel like this week has lasted ten! we're leaving at bedtime tonight and heading to monroe for an engagement party for my bff! i'm super pumped out seeing my sweet friends :) here's my five on friday!

[one] clothes. y'all i haven't bought any clothes for myself in TWO months. that's monumental. i'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

[two] exercise. i've had a super hard time getting back into an exercise routine since hudson was born. i have major mommy guilt taking him to childcare at the gym when he's been in daycare all day. this month, they just added a 7:30 spin class at the y so i've been a few times. i'm still trying to make it part of my routine, but i feel like some new workout clothes would motivate me [like this top] :)

[three] food. i've had a major sweet tooth for the past few weeks. i've made brownies, blondies, cookies and have ingested more sugar than i care to admit. but, y'all. these dark chocolate covered mini pretzels from trader joe's are to. die. for. i could seriously eat the whole bag in one sitting. you're welcome.

[four] family. i'm super excited to see my family this weekend. i get homesick every few months, and i can't explain the feeling of pulling into my parent's driveway that just makes me smile! love these two!
[five] hudson. he has started putting two words together this week making this SLP mama super proud! i can't believe how fast he's growing, changing and learning. with growing comes the need to buy new spring/summer clothes. although i'm not really complaining because that means i get to buy clothes for someone even if it's not myself!


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