Monday, February 24, 2014

The 5 days after the weekend...

The 5 days after the weekend are always the longest! That's the truth. Our weekends seem to go by at warp speed (especially when we're blessed with beautiful weather like Saturday).

On Friday, I stayed home with a sick little guy. Wednesday when I picked him he seemed to be getting a fever, but on Thursday he seemed fine only running 99-100. Drew stayed home with him Thursday, so when it was my turn Friday I thought we'd have an easy day since he appeared to be on the mend. Boy was I wrong. He woke up super early and super cranky. He actually ended up taking two 2.5 hour naps (which NEVER happens) and after his afternoon nap his temp was up to 103.1. Ugh. Thankfully after that round, his fever never reappeared and he's been fine (knock on wood). Those "fever viruses" can be so stressful! Needless to say, we did lots of cuddling and tv watching.
On Saturday, the weather was awesome. Drew was helping some friends move, so I headed over the Warrens to drop some things off and decided to go ahead and eat lunch with them. We had pizza (obv) and the boys enjoyed an impromptu picnic. So much fun!
Saturday afternoon, I convinced Drew to hang up the goods Bethany picked up for me on her trip to Ikea. I've been trying to figure out a good way to display Hudson's artwork and saw several of these curtain wires on Pinterest. I can't wait to fill up the photo ledge too! We decided to hang it in the guest bedroom since we've done nothing in there since we moved in. And, it's the room my parents stay in when they visit, so of course they'll love looking at Hudson's art!
Here's hoping the rest of the week flies by :) We're headed to Monroe this weekend for an engagement party for Lauren & Seth! WooHoo!


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