Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful Easter weekend at the Hall house. My parents were able to come down and spend a long weekend with us (even longer as I came down with ANOTHER stomach bug on Monday). It was so nice to get to spend time with them!

I ended up taking off work on Friday since Hudson's daycare was closed. We spent the day with our buddies Griffin and Knox (and Bethany) and did a little painting!

We always have fun with G and K! On Friday night, our friend Leslie threw a surprise party for her husband Jim's 30th birthday! We spent most of the night on the back deck since it seems outside is where Hudson loves to be!
Continuing with our birthday-themed weekend, we celebrated Griffin and Knox's first birthday on Saturday! 
Bethany did an AMAZING job with the Mustache Bash. Everything was absolutely precious! We actually took pictures with the real camera instead of my phone, so I'll have to round up some pictures from the photo booth! They were hilarious!

On Sunday, we celebrated Easter by going to church then grilling at our house with both sets of grandparents. It was a little different as we usually celebrate with extended family, but we had a nice afternoon! The weather was great (until the late afternoon rain) and we got to spend some time outside!

Hudson had a fabulous first Easter and I, of course, ate entirely too many Reese's Eggs.


  1. There is no such thing as too many Reese's Eggs (says the girl who has eaten all of them out of her daughters Easter basket)!!

    1. Haha. I'm ready for them to OUT of the house! I guess I figure the faster I eat them, the better?

  2. Amanda had 3 six packs. There are 2 eggs left.
