Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 2!

Two days in a row, I'd call that a success! 

We had a super busy weekend last weekend. Like I mentioned yesterday, Saturday morning we had a birthday party for Jesus, then Saturday night we had our Life Group Christmas party. The theme was tacky Christmas sweaters and some people really went all out! We had a great time! 

Drew really got into his character (creepy, late 20s guy). We played Mad Gabs which was hilarious and much harder than you might think! I was looking for more pictures but apparently this is the only one I took :/ 

Today is our last half day of school before a much needed 2 week break. To say I'm excited would be an understatement! I'm most looking forward to sleeping in, watching movies and reading a few books. Hah, who am I kidding. My break will be spent waking up a 6 am, watching Curious George and chasing around a very active 17 month old!

I'll leave you with a picture of my cute kid, because there aren't enough pictures of him, obv. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blogging Round 3

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Okay, y'all. I think I'm ready to give blogging another shot. It's so dang hard to live life AND blog about it. But, yet again, I'm going to give it a valiant effort. Considering the last time I blogged was 8 months ago, um, a lot has changed. Hudson celebrated his first birthday, first trip to the beach, started walking, started really talking, started throwing tantrums...Life's been crazy 'round here! He's at such a fun age right now (minus the tantrums), he really understands what we're saying and is copying everything we do! The kid LOVES books and we read approximately 50 books a night. No joke. We do a whole lotta this... 
Last weekend our friends hosted a birthday party for Jesus. It was so much fun, and I'm really excited about starting this tradition to teach Hudson the real meaning of Christmas. During the Christmas story, Hudson was way more interested in the Little People nativity set than listening. Maybe next year.

This weekend brings the beginning of our Christmas break and my birthday! Maybe I'll be successful with blogging this time around :) 

Friday, April 26, 2013


Thank goodness it's Friday! I feel like I live for the weekends!

Hudson has learned how to crawl and push his cars around.

He has also discovered that he can pull things out of the refrigerator. BBQ sauce anyone?

We have had an exceptionally difficult time getting him to sleep this week. Teeth maybe?

Nana bought him some precious new shoes! I love baby feet in baby shoes!

Wednesday, Hudson's school called at about 3:00 and said he had projectile vomited. Awesome. Thankfully it was a short lived bug, so our Thursday at home was fun :)

Once again, I've failed miserably at documeting something other than this sweet face. Maybe next week? No promises! We're heading to Bainbridge this weekend for a baby shower and I get to see my long, lost BFF! I'm so excited!

Linking up with Jeanett for

life rearranged

Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Recap

My parents came to visit this weekend! I love, love, love when I get to spend time with them. It's the best. They didn't get into town until later Friday night, so we pretty much ate supper and went to bed. And, I got to sleep until 9 on Saturday morning. Holla! Thanks mama! We rode down to Tallahassee to do a little shopping (what else is new) and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon just hanging out. Saturday night, Drew and I went to dinner/movie with his brother and sister-in-law (Daryl and Celia) and Bethany and Christopher. We were able to enjoy a meal without crying babies! Whoo hoo! We ended up seeing Identity Theft at the $1 (but really $3) movie theater. Sunday, we went to church, ate lunch and said our goodbyes...Can't wait to see them again in a few weeks!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lazy Weekend Part 2

So, you remember last Monday when I recapped our extremely uneventful weekend? Well,  I could pretty much copy and paste that post and it would fit this past weekend too. No complaints here though. There is nothing I have grown to love more than doing nothing. Of course when you have a baby, "doing nothing" really means feeding, changing, get the picture.

Thursdays are our standing dinner night with the Warrens, and this past week it was my turn to cook. I figured I'd give the crock pot a chance to redeem itself from my disastrous attempt at cilantro lime tacos a few weeks ago. Well, let's just say my affinity for the crock pot is o.v.e.r. I pulled out a recipe that my mom had given me for pork chops. I figured since it wasn't some Pinterest recipe, surely I could pull off some crock pot pork chops that had been tested through my mom's kitchen. I was wrong. They were dry, and burned and yuck. So, naturally, we called Paulie's and ordered a pizza. And it was delicious.

On Saturday, the Warrens came over again with their pool in tow. It was a beautiful afternoon, so we thought the boys would enjoy playing in the water. We filled it up with water from the hose and it was a little chilly, so we added some hot water until we thought it was bearable :) Hudson LOVED it. He splashed and crawled and laughed. K and G? Not so much at first. After they were eased into it, they came around and played for a while!

Sunday was, once again, designated "nap day." No complaints here though. I take naps whenever I can! We also played a little music. Hud loves to bang the drum sticks!

Yesterday was Hudson's 9 month well check. Where have the past 9 months gone?! He weighed 19 lb 4 oz and was 28 inches long...and he still has a big head.

And I'll leave you with a doctor's office selfie :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oh, hair.

I'm going to take a break from posting pictures of Hudson and take a moment to mourn the loss of my hair. I mean, no one tells you that those luscious locks you sport during pregnancy will fall out in huge clumps after the baby is born. About 3 months after Hudson was born, my hair started falling out by the scary amounts of hair. I was convinced I was going to be bald. While the hair loss has subsided, I've been greeted with these lovely little "baby hairs" that make me look like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket.
What even is this?! On that note, I'll leave you with a picture of Hud :) Last night, he decided he wanted to pick out his own bedtime story.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend Recap

Like I mentioned Friday, this weekend we had a whole lotta nothin' planned and I was so excited! On Friday night, I was starving and convinced Drew that a Little Caesars hot and ready pizza was a perfect dinner solution. It was, in fact, very tasty!

On Saturday, Drew woke up way before the sun to drive to Bainbridge to go turkey hunting and visit with his family. Hudson and I slept until 7:15 (GLORIOUS!) and then we headed out to do some shopping. I'm determined to make Hudson my shopping buddy :) Start 'em young, right? He was a good sport, so as a reward he got some new clothes. Of course, he was super pumped. On Saturday afternoon, we spent most of the afternoon hanging out in the yard, enjoying the beautiful weather!

I think Hudson looks JUST like my dad in this picture!

Just enjoying the swing while Dad does some yardwork.
Saturday evening, we wanted to continue basking in the beautiful weather, so we went to one of our favorite restaurants that offers outdoor dining. Hudson was definitely a fan!

Sunday, we headed off to church and followed up with a fabulous nap [well for Hudson and myself] while Drew did our taxes. Yuck. I'll share a few more pics of our Sunday afternoon!

How cute is that sweater vest? I die!

Playing with bubbles
The cuteness is too much
and I'll end this rambling post with an a-dorable bathtime pic.
you're welcome!

Friday, April 5, 2013


happy friday! linking up with life rearranged for instafriday!

life rearranged

finally enjoying some warm weather!
family photo @ our friend's birthday party. we have like 3 family pictures. i've GOT to do better.

hud's BFFs celebrated their first birthday last weekend!

looking precious in his Easter attire.

enjoying the only warm/sunny day we've had all week (i think this was monday).

so, I realize that, once again every. single. picture. i have is of hudson. sorry i'm not sorry? i'll vow again this week to take pictures of something other than our adorable son. i promise!

this weekend i think we have a whole lotta nothin' planned and i'm kind of excited about it. hopefully we'll have some nice weather and we can enjoy some time outside! and, it'll be a nice distraction from the loads of housework i should be doing...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful Easter weekend at the Hall house. My parents were able to come down and spend a long weekend with us (even longer as I came down with ANOTHER stomach bug on Monday). It was so nice to get to spend time with them!

I ended up taking off work on Friday since Hudson's daycare was closed. We spent the day with our buddies Griffin and Knox (and Bethany) and did a little painting!

We always have fun with G and K! On Friday night, our friend Leslie threw a surprise party for her husband Jim's 30th birthday! We spent most of the night on the back deck since it seems outside is where Hudson loves to be!
Continuing with our birthday-themed weekend, we celebrated Griffin and Knox's first birthday on Saturday! 
Bethany did an AMAZING job with the Mustache Bash. Everything was absolutely precious! We actually took pictures with the real camera instead of my phone, so I'll have to round up some pictures from the photo booth! They were hilarious!

On Sunday, we celebrated Easter by going to church then grilling at our house with both sets of grandparents. It was a little different as we usually celebrate with extended family, but we had a nice afternoon! The weather was great (until the late afternoon rain) and we got to spend some time outside!

Hudson had a fabulous first Easter and I, of course, ate entirely too many Reese's Eggs.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Slacking Blog Skills

So I've majorly slacked on the blogging front this past week. As you remember from my last post, Hudson and I both came down with a stomach virus and he ended up staying sick for the majority of the week (insert 2 trips to the doctor and one trip to the lab for blood work). Needless to say, I super paranoid about our planned visit to see my parents because I was just waiting on more baby sickness. However, we ended up having an awesome visit to Monroe to see my parents AND I got to shop and see some of my best friends! It was a win-win! The 4 hour trip to my parents was definitely not a pleasant one though. Hudson screamed for the last 2 hours straight. Poor guy.

We didn't really do a whole lot...ate Mexican, got frozen yogurt, went to church, and I finally got a new phone! The trip back to Thomasville is always a little sad for me because I miss "home" so much. It was made a little better knowing my parents are coming down for Easter! I was super pumped about the remainder of my spring break because I had absolutely nothing planned. And I mean nothing. Hudson and I played and napped everyday and it was glorious! He's learned how to pull himself up and is now crawling and pulling himself up on everything. It has resulted in quite a few bumps on his head, but I guess those are inevitable. 

enter his new favorite toy...the laundry basket

We had a wonderful, wonderful week which just makes me that much more anxious for summer!